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Making Lines: Writing through Art - Literacy Project 2016

'Making Lines: Writing through Art'  is a literacy and art project for schools. It works in partnership with October Gallery and is aimed at helping children who are 'reluctant writers' increase their writing skills through raising their confidence and enthusiasm towards writing, by engaging them in related art practices. Children participate in a series of creative workshops over half a term.


The gallery session provide opportunities for children to explore exhibiting contemporary artworks and develop Literacy skills through hands on activities that are directly linked to the exhibition or gallery. The project will culminate with a collective artwork that is made by the children, and illustrates their creative processes.


This half term we are working with St. Gilda's year 6's over a 5 week period to create artwork in response to El Anatsui's current exhibition.


For further information or to become involved in the project, please contact:


This project has received funding from The Mercers' Company





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