October Gallery offer unique experiences for school students to create and learn about art in a real gallery space, working alongside artworks made by internationally renowned artists, which are on display to sell.
The workshops are delivered and developed by artists alongside the Head of Education and reflect the October Gallery current exhibition themes. As the gallery is not open to the public in the morning, the space is solely dedicated to the learning experience of the students.
The workshops can be developed and tailored to the needs of the students as well as any particular subject requirements from the teachers, reflecting our broad approach to art as a cross-curricular subject. The students learn about the world and the artist's exhibiting as well as making their own art and responses to their experiences.
Prices & Timings
In Gallery / Weekday mornings 10am-12pm (or 10am-11.30am for Early Years and KS1) : £120
In your school / creative longer term projects: Costs vary, please enquire
Taster workshops for SEN, specialist schools and PRUs: FREE
To book or if you have any queries, please email Jessica Bannister at
What else do we offer?
OG Education offer many events and deliver art and education projects all over London. We run outreach projects for schools, in which we encourage both children and teachers to think about and make art in many various forms.
We run training events for teachers and art educators in the gallery during the evening and all day training for those working with early years and young families.
We also run events in the gallery which respond to current issues in the art education sector and work with artists, lecturers and professionals to create a stimulating programme of events.
If you are interested in running a project with your school or collaborating with October Gallery to run an event or partake in our training then please email
The OG Education Programme is kindly supported by: