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Upcoming & Past School Workshops

Jukhee Kwon creates her magical works, quite literally, from the printed page; using abandoned and disused books, she shreds the pages by hand to create magnificent ‘book sculptures’.

Kwon has lived in South Korea, England and Italy. Her artwork evokes a sense of expanding knowledge & sprawling literature, across time and space. Her multi-language deconstructed books offer a platform to explore personal narratives and to project a positive vision of plurilingualism and multiculturalism.

This workshop will engage students in literacy through exploring art and culture. Focusing on paper as an art material and its uses in a Korean context, we will explore papermaking, stencilling, printing and sculpture according to the students’ needs and ages.

Themes: Stories, paper making, 3D design and origami.

Cross Curricular Links: English, creative writing

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October Gallery, 24 Old Gloucester Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1N 3AL Tel: + 44 (0)20 7242 7367 Email: 

October Gallery is a registered charity 327032


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Here, at the October Gallery we try to run all our projects and events with little, or no financial cost for our community.

Sadly, this means that we can not offer refunds because the fee is going towards keeping our programme exciting and accessible for ALL art lovers and allows us to keep working as a charity.   

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